Welcome to the easiest fundraising on earth!
You’re a volunteer fundraiser
Truth be told, you’re likely a loving parent or a dedicated teacher… and you’re on this page because you want the best for your children. I bet that’s ringing a few bells!
Well, I would like you to know that we’ve built our business on the premise that… Someone out there is depending on us to make that call… and what that means is that we’re committed to providing you with proactive service - we are going to ‘make that phone call’. We are not interested in sitting back and watching you work; we want to be in there with you making great happen.
So, if you are wondering “what is the easiest and profitable school fundraising idea” then I welcome you to School Fun Run… the easiest school fundraiser on earth. Yep, it’s a FULL SUPPORT FUNDRAISER and that means we’re here for you every step of the way. In fact, School Fun Run was built for busy parents. It was built to be hassle free and as bulletproof as a school fundraiser can possibly be.
In this article we’ll dig in and take a closer look at what that means for you. In summary however, you’ll get the benefit from 35+ years of experience and deliver that to you in three core ways:
Personal Support via a fulltime Fundraising Coach,
Digital Support via access to a comprehensive suite of digital resources and an industry leading website, and
All the Printed Support Material you’ll ever need.
“The thing I love most is their willingness to do absolutely anything to help me.”
As mentioned, you’ll be assigned a Fundraising Coach at School Fun Run HQ. Your Coach will share your enthusiasm and give you the tools and direction to create a positive outcome and leave your kids screaming for another Fun Run. Our Fundraising Coaches are the cornerstone of our success. They are the reason our partner schools have exceeded their fundraising targets by an aggregate $1.1 million in the past 12 months. They are the reason School Fun Run is Fundraising Company of the Year from 2016-2021. They are the reason we’re the only provider of Fun Runs to schools in Australia that have helped them raise over $80,000, $90,000 and $100,000 in single fundraisers.
Your Fundraising Coach will be assigned to you on the day you register with School Fun Run.
Your Fundraising Coach will work with you from day one to tailor a fundraising plan that suits the needs of your school. Your Fundraising Coach will then follow up on a regular basis to ensure you’re on track and they’ll provide any assistance you need. Think of your Fundraising Coach as your personal assistant. They are here to give you proactive support and they are also here to give you support on demand… the bottom-line is that we love seeing our schools succeed and we do all we can to make that a reality for you.
“The online platform was fantastic it had all the tutorials that we needed, it had all the information that we needed, it was a simple interface. It was a very seamless platform. ”
For your benefit, we’ve invested over $600,000 into our custom-made website. It has reduced coordinator workloads by over 70%. It’s utterly amazing! It’s unique in the school fundraising industry and it’s exclusive to School Fun Run. We love it…and you will too!
I have listed ‘some’ its main features below.
You can track all your fundraising in LIVE time. You can when money is donated to the school, how each student is going with their fundraising and what is happen at the class level too.
Your Fundraising Coach will help you use this data to manage your fundraising through your event and keep you on track.
Once you get ‘coordinator access’ to the website you can watch video tutorials and download pre-written support material like Newsletter Articles, Parent Letters and Social Media Communications on-demand.
Engaging your families is also a breeze because the website will send automated emails with hints and tips on your behalf… plus, you can take control and send custom messages to all your fundraising families in a single click.
Post your event, the kids (with the help and mum or dad) can log into their account and order their reward prizes online. The website ensures they don’t over order while it also builds a spreadsheet for you in real time. It saves you from having to track and record all that data!
Finally, when its all over, your Fundraising Coach will send you a Post Event Report. This report saves all the best parts of your School Fun Run and make recommendations on how you might want to get an even better result the next year. It is designed to save the next P&C/F having to reinvent the wheel (so to speak) and it will ensure your school has continuous fundraising success by not losing any of the lessons learnt.
It’s safe too. For example, our website:
Does not allow students (or donors) to share their full name publicly on any web page
It also doesn’t allow students to share photographs of themselves or others online
Uses tokenised, non-guessable URLs for all student fundraising pages, this ensures only the parent of the child can share the URL where appropriate
Does not allow people to send private messages to students online
Does not enable any search functionality by which a member of the public could search for/find an online presence for either the school or a student
Never provides a connection between a student, and their physical location (i.e. the school they attend) online in anyway.
Terminates all fundraising pages when the fundraising is complete
Only authorised users, school coordinators and teachers at the school will have access to the information of students participating in the School Fun Run via a secure log in to the platform
Includes logged in and logged out views of student fundraising pages, so the general public cannot view the activity on a fundraising page
Does not collect or store videos or pictures of students at the school
Does not collect any intellectual property belonging to schools
“The School Fun Run helped us with their online system which we thought was amazing. It was a lot simpler than other companies that we’ve used, so it took a lot of the stress out.”
You’ll get every piece of printed literature you’ll need - plus a heap more. For example, we’ll send you a Sponsorship Booklet and Participation Certificate for every student. You’ll get promotional posters for the school and one for every single classroom. We’ll also send your Class Kits (one for every teacher) so that the class teachers can support you in the best possible ways. You’ll get fence banners You’ll get capes. You’ll get a Coordinator Cheat Sheet and I am sure you’ll get the message that we’re here to help you in every way we possibly can.
No products to buy. No products to manage. No products to sell. Too easy! That’s the outcome of fundraising under a sponsorship model. It’s a real parent pleaser as all the funding can be raised online, from home! In fact, families will literally raise money while they sleep and fundraising doesn’t get any easier than that!
If you go with a ‘cashless’ fundraiser where all your money comes in Online, it means you won’t have any coins to count either. Plus, you won’t even have to validate student prize orders as that’s all done for you. That’s the easiest version of School Fun Run and in COVID times it’s also the safest for your community.
If you’d like to know more about School Fun Run, please click here