Developing an inclusive school culture

Student wellness is what we're passionate about!

Student wellbeing starts with an inclusive education system. Inclusive systems provide a better learning environment for all children and are instrumental in changing discriminatory attitudes.

One of the hallmarks of an inclusive school can found in school activities that build a culture of acceptance and positive relationships. Events that support and strengthen peer relationships, while also breaking down social barriers.

That’s all important stuff, because schools can be a vital step off point for kids. That’s because schools are often the first place a child starts to build relationships while they begin developing social interactions outside of their family.

One tool that schools can use as a way of fostering relationships that build a sense belonging, is school fundraising. The right school fundraising idea helps make an inclusive environment where students can work together and encourage each other. At its heart, School Fundraising is about community coming together to solve a common problem… and whole communities working together is the very definition of inclusion.

So, it makes perfect sense then, that choosing a school fundraiser that involves the whole school community, allowing everyone to participate and achieve, is great way to develop an inclusive school culture… and I mean everyone from the student body, to the teaching staff, the parents and wider community.

To that end, the benefits of creating an inclusive school culture go way beyond the School Fundraising itself. Research shows that students attending schools with inclusive practices have better academic and social outcomes. Building a culture of tolerance and understanding also helps students and teachers to understand and value individual differences.

So, how do you create a school environment for students, where barriers are minimised and flexibility are built in to the environment?

Well, one way you can do it is via a School Fun Run, and that’s because great cultures hold awesome events. In fact, to make a strong culture you've got to have celebration… and group celebration, where no one misses out, is the best of them all. A School Fun Run is all about creating that outcome for our partner schools. It’s a way to celebrate and build relationships across the whole school community, because that's what strong cultures do!

  • Watch this video to hear Suncoast Christian College talk about the power of celebration. You will also note in the video how the preps are running with the principal which is a wonderful example of breaking down social barriers for littlest school members right up to the big boss!

Social Inclusion

Not all kids are gifted athletes or academics. As a result, it can be hard for them to find a place in school culture that showcases their outstanding qualities. We find that fundraising can provide a great role to help these students ‘fit in’.

Over the years, I have received several emails from parents telling me how happy they were for their child as a result of the fundraising they were able to achieve.

For example, during our service to Coomera State School, we discovered that their Highest Fundraising Student, Ben Cummins, had Phelan-McDermid Syndrome. Despite his condition, Ben has been able to successfully attend a State School. That outcome is all due to the commitment of the school community, his parents and of course Ben himself. However, as a result of Phelan-McDermid Syndrome, Ben was limited in his athletic and academic abilities. But, that didn’t stop him for becoming the highest fundraising student at his school. Watch the video below to see Ben’s Story:


Ben saw that one of the top prizes at School Fun Run was a Trampoline… and he wanted one! Ben’s parents (Linda and Steve) were concerned that Ben would not be able to fund-raise enough money to get that prize and would therefore miss out. After consideration, they thought that this situation might present an organic way to teach Ben that in life… "you don't always get the things you want".

So, they agreed that Ben could try and fund-raise enough money for the trampoline; then they shared his fundraising link... 90 MINS LATER… Ben had received enough donations to earn the trampoline! Ben’s father said he feels that aspect of the School Fun Run is the best part. The way it brings the wider community in to support the kids they love and care about.


Finn contracted Meningococcal at 18 months old and that lead to his life being put at risk. After multiple amputations, his life was saved, but it would never be the same again. Finn had to start again in terms of learning to walk, run, eat, drink and all the things that most of us take for granted.

When we heard Finn was excited to take part in his first-ever Crazy Colour Day School Fun Run we just had to capture the moment which you can share by watching the video below:

Finn’s participation truly demonstrates the inclusive nature of a School Fun Run.

Bravo Sarah, Jason, Finn and the community at Chancellor State College. Especially to you Chappy Shane, thank you for being the spark that made this happen. It was our pleasure to share this experience with your awesome community.


As I mentioned above, not all school students are athletic, and yet many schools hold compulsory Cross Country events. This can lead to negative social outcomes for some students and for other students they make the personal choice not to run at all.

By adding a School Fun Run to an existing Cross Country, the dynamic of the day shifts dramatically. You can see how inclusive a School Cross Country can be in this case study by clicking here.

Inclusion is about all of us learning to wheel, walk and run through this world together.

We are so proud to assist school communities to leave a real legacy and make magical memories. It’s all we do... and we’d love to have some fun and make a real difference in your community too... if you’ll let us!


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Improve participation in your Cross Country