Remote, Rural & Regional Schools

Fundraising Success in Remote, Rural & Regional Schools


It can be hard for schools in remote, rural and regional areas to get a great school fundraiser going. But that doesn’t mean they don’t want to… in fact, the opposite is probably very true as no one wants their kids to miss out.


When it comes to school fundraising in remote, rural and regional areas, schools can often face some extra challenges compared to their city peers. That’s because:

  1. There is often less students to seek support for the school because enrolment sizes can be smaller in country schools when compared to city schools.

  2. The donor base surrounding country schools can often be reduced in size because the local community can be smaller than their metropolitan counterparts.

  3. Distance can make some school fundraisers impossible to run due to transport and postage costs. 

As a result of the above challenges, “buy and sell” fundraisers can be unviable because there are fewer students to sell products (like Chocolate Bars or Raffle Tickets), and there are fewer people in the local community to buy the products being sold. Plus, the distance can make “event fundraisers” like Fete’s and Trivia Nights difficult to host if people need to travel a very long way to attend.


So, how did we help a school of just 47 students raise a massive $24,493.70? The answer is Online Fundraising… and it’s unbelievably powerful.

How Does it Work?

Online Fundraising (or cashless fundraising) works by bringing the world to your school (via the internet). It means distance is no longer a challenge and it means a small population surrounding a school is also no issue.

As an extra benefit, its easy. There are no products to sell, and no doors to knock-on. It’s super simple.

People literally support your school from all over the globe. For example, Grandparents in London, an Uncle in Sydney and an Aunty in Brisbane can all get involved. People can be anywhere on Earth and support your school fundraiser… and they do. They want to!

Yep, thanks to technology, anyone in the whole wide world can now support your school via online fundraising, no matter how rural, regional or remote the school my be.

But this is what actually happens when kids use online fundraising:

  • Students (on average) receive just 4 to 6 donations each. That’s it! But those donations average out to be around $30-$50 each and that adds up fast… really fast… check out the results below:

This is all possible because the people donating online are close family friends and relatives of the students. These are the people who genuinely care for the educational outcomes of the student taking part in the School Fun Run. This extended network of people have always wanted to support your school, however they’ve been unable to do that because they’re living interstate, overseas, or hundreds of kilometres away.

Because they have missed out for so long, we find these people jump at the chance to support the kids they love by backing them in your school fundraiser.

As a side note, we also find that smaller schools get a higher rate of participation from the kids during the fundraising phase. So, in that sense remote, rural and regional schools have a bit of a (pound for pound) advantage thanks to their smaller size and the tight-knit school spirit that can create.

Speaking of school spirit, please watch the video below to see the fun times on offer for your school community:


Here are the main steps involved with this school fundraising idea:

  1. The school contacts us on 1800 FUN RUN or here to register their fundraiser.

  2. School families visit, where they get a unique online fundraising link.

  3. Families share this online fundraising link via email, text or social media to anyone they wish (potential donors).

  4. Donors click the fundraising link and make a credit card donation online.

  5. All the money raised goes straight to school’s bank account.

  6. Every student raising over $10 for the school gets a reward for their work.

  7. The whole school community shares a Crazy Colour Day and has a fun day together.

Is this easy or hard?

At School Fun Run, we make it SO EASY for you to host a great day for your community. At School Fun Run, we’re all about making magic memories and HAPPY KIDS. But, we’re also for making proud parents and that’s why you’ll get our full support.

In fact, you’ll get EVERYTHING you need to host an award-winning fundraiser. That includes the allocation of a Fundraising Coach to help you from start to finish.

I guess it’s also worth noting that School Fun Run is 100% Self-Funding (including all freight), there are no out of pocket expenses for the school at any time. Its completely risk free fundraising and we’re already shipping things to places far and wide, like schools on Lord Howe and Thursday Islands!

Back in the ‘old days’, fundraising used to be limited to the geographical area around your school. Those days are gone. Thanks to the powder of online fundraising people can now support your school, no matter where your school is located, and they can do that from anywhere on the planet!


You’re in the best hands with School Fun Run. You may not know this, but School Fun Run has actually been awarded that title of Fundraising Company of the Year (6 years in a row) for some good reasons. We’d love to show you why as together we help you make some magic memories with your kids this year.    

Speaking of your kids, they don’t need to miss out on the fun just because they aren’t in the city. So, if you want to give them the “Best Day of the School Year”, while raising a heap of funding for your school, request more info below and let’s see what’s possible!


How to fundraise in COVID lockdowns


Our best student rewards ever!